Fire up a Fish-Feeding Frenzy!
Fire up a Hydroglow

The Original Underwater Fishlights
Since 1999. Still family owned. Still made in America.

Food-Chain Triggering Green Light Attraction

At night, introducing green or blue light
stimulates the micro flora that tiny bait fish eat, which in turn, attracts small fish that
see the glint and flicker of the tiny feeding fish (and at maximum distances since
green/blue light travels the furthest in water) which in turn creates a feeding frenzy
that attracts the predator fish.

Relentless Innovation

American Quality

  • IntesiTech Right Bright LEDs: The IntensiTech LEDs used in a HydroGlow
    Underwater Light are unmatched for brightness. Just one of our LEDs could be used to power a flashlight. We use 200! And, we’ve increased the brightness by 90% over the last three years.
  • Elude Eco-Friendly Barnacle-Resistant Coating - We coat all SF model HydroGlow Underwater Lights with Elude, a revolutionary eco-friendly (biocide-free) marine coating that has effectively tripled the barnacle-free operational time of our lights.

Saltwater Or Freshwater

Our lights are perfect for all kinds of fish, shrimp, and squid. Our marine epoxies and coatings have been tirelessly tested to withstand regular saltwater use.